Monday, September 16, 2013

Guest blog post by Gaetano Jauregui

My Hubby wanted to do a guest blog post from his journal from 3 days ago..Enjoy!

Sep 13th,
My whole family has been so wiped out.  We took the last 2 days to just rest around the house.  Yesterday mainly at the beach and boy am I burnt to prove it!  Yesterday was a very rough day.  The kids (Mateo and Havah) have been really sick with a fever and terrible cough.  My back has been flared up and everybody has diarrhea from being in a new environment and new food, water etc.  I’m trying super hard to not let anyone drink the tap water.  That means a lot of purifying water and trips to the store for bottled water. 
Yesterday was especially scary.  I got back from the market with Toby and as soon as I pulled up the drive way Abby came frantically calling me holding Havanah!  I looked at her and she was passed out, pail faced and all her limbs were pulled tight.  I guess she walked outside to look for me and than screamed and Abby grabbed her, than Abby picked her up, her eyes rolled back in her head and her body ceased up.  We had the neighbor watch our other kids and Abby and I rushed to the emergency clinic and explained what happened to the guy as best we could since he did not speak English.  Alex the owner of the house we are staying at met us there and translated for us.  Praise God, she was OK.  She has had a fever the last 3 days and we think her being out in the sun and being wiped out, something set it off and she had a seizure.  It freaked us out and we had a hard night that night.   
Sleeping has been difficult for me here.  I can’t seem to shut my brain off.  I am also always concerned about having a house we can’t really lock up, being in a super isolated part of the country and not knowing anyone.  Animals and insects get into the house all the time since it is an open air home.  Super cool but hard for me to get used to.  The howler monkeys are really loud and kind of freaky sounding.  Bats fly in and out often.  We had a raccoon come in 2 nights in a row.  Titus had a ginormous spider crawl up his leg down by the water the other day.  4 iguanas play in the back yard in the mid day sun.  It is just a trip.  What else can I say?
My next short-term project here is finding and buying a car.  Which will not be an easy feat since we are on the tip of the peninsula.  It is doable though.  I will need to arrange timings to see vehicles, the lawyer to make the docs and record the exchange, have money wired from my account to a trusted friend in Jaco, him to come with me and draw the cash from his account…  On the story goes.  


Gary Pearce said...

Wow,You guys! Talk about culture shock. Father, would you ease their transition and quickly bring their bodies up to par for the environment in which they are in. I ask for your healing & comfort. Give Tano clarity to take the "next" step & patience to be able to respond in love to situations that would press him. Father, strengthen him & Abby in the inner man/woman to be able to respond from a place of confident knowing of your love & compassion for them. Comfort them please with new "eyes" to see You in new ways. I love these guys Father, I know you do even more. Keep them from harm, in Jesus name AMEN!

Anonymous said...

What a week! Love you guys. Keep going!

Unknown said...

We are praying that you have peace Tano! Very restful sleep and a sound mind. We are also praying that this is a one time thing for Havana. We pray the peace of God would overwhelm your household! We love you guys so much and are missing you greatly. I, personally think about you every day. I know you are in God's will and am so proud of the faith you have stepped out in. Love you bro.

Simple Life Journey said...

No way, Abby. Oh my word. We miss you guys so much. :(

Gaetano Jauregui said...

Hey all! Man, I appreciate all the love and prayers! We are so thankful for friends like you all and are grateful for you reading the blog and posting your comment!

Much love to you all!

Unknown said...

This is a great adventure just trying to have a bit of peace and security in such a remote place. I miss your smiling faces. Hope God protects you well and We will see you again well and Happy.
God bless you folks !
Wm. Jones