Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A day in the life

 So we have moved into a new house...this one suits us much better than the last one. There is so  much open land for the kids to run around on and way more living space in the house. We feel very blessed and thankful to be here!

Tano playing on the first stage of a bamboo fort he is building for the kids.

When you get Bananas out here you cut down the whole tree and take the stalk. Tano and Tobias found the perfect tree...see the bundle!?
Now time to machete it down.
Mateo having his chance to use the Machete.
Titus's turn.

 Success...Those bundles are HEAVY!! 



This just one of the walls of bamboo on our property.

One of everyone's favorite spot to hang out..

Drive up to the house.

Driveway down to the gate.

   Tano has hung two rope swings on the property. The kids LOVE playing on these!

Me just sitting and enjoying my family play on this lovely land. And yes this is my typical look on most days out here..They call it "Tranquillo", just relax and take it easy...True Costa Rica style ;)
Such simple Joy!
He hunted around town until he found the perfect machete...I think it makes him feel Manly! ;)

Pura Vida!

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