Thursday, January 10, 2013

Costa Rica #1

Ok, Iv'e procrastinated this post long enough!

This is a long story, but as most of you know we have BIG ol' plans on moving to Costa rica here in the near future.  By Gods instruction of course, and by my  slightly reluctant but submitted heart!  I know if we lay down all these attachments of the comfortable life we are in now he is going to fulfill us in a way we have never experienced before, and I am sooo excited for the journey! 
 In October Tano and I made a trip down there to spy out the land.  Here are a few highlights.

This is the Hotel we stayed in for the first three nights...Talk about a nice way to start our journey!

 Okay I include this picture because driving in costa rica is not a highlight...more like a major source of tension. This is the major freeway through San jose.  So glad Tano and I can look back and laugh at out countless outburst of frustration with each other over traffic ;)

 Passion fruit, given to me by one of the kindest older man I have ever met. He spoke no english and I no spanish but we communicated perfectly...beautiful!

This sign is at the entrance to our friend Hectors spanish school.  He was so gracious to allow us to stay at his house and feed us...The body of Christ is so big and so full of Love, how could we not want to drink of the pleasure of being part of such a beautiful creation.  In whom we will live and dine and rejoice with for all eternity.  People, live as we are one for we are and will be for eternity to come.  Love one another as Christ has loved you. John 13:34

This friend Hector of ours just happens to be the pastor of the church in this small town of Tuis, but not only that he has this amazing coffee farm on the land next to the church.  

Our first experience at a REAL coffee farm.

Coffe Fields on the drive to Tuis

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